What started as a simple commission turned out to be a long partnership, sprawling into different tasks and projects over the years.

Corbin Reeves, the CEO of Azure Ravens LLC came to me firstly with the idea of creating environments for their upcoming Virtual Reality game Goblin Forge. 

Goblin Forge is a VR blacksmithing game that takes place in a medieval fantasy world where you play as the shopkeeper and only blacksmith in a small town.

The goal is to create weapons and manage a shop alongside your goblin companions who begrudgingly assist you with the day to day task while causing chaos whenever they can.

While my first task was to create environments, our partnership soon grew and I started working as a main 2D artist in this project, helping the team to come up with weapon designs, cosmetic options for the store and much more.

Blacksmith Workshop

This is the place where the player create the tools and weapons that will soon be tested in the Training Yard.

Creative process

Training Yard

Here is where the player can test the weapons created in the Workshop. The  player can use the dummies and targets to practice and see if the equipment is working properly.

Creative process


The Shop is the place where you can finally put all your hardwork at display for the travelers and townsfolk to buy. 

You can also unlock new cosmetic options for the shop, making it unique.

Creative process

Cosmetic options


You cannot make a blacksmithing game without weapons, so here is some of the concept art done for the weapons in game.

Thank you for checking out!

You can follow the project on its website:




Ravenwood Acres